Life Insurance After Stent Surgery

Stent surgery saves lives, but sometimes getting life insurance coverage after the fact can be challenging. Many individuals who’ve gone through cardiac complications think that life insurance is no longer an option.

The good news is that it’s possible for a life insurance broker to find an affordable policy for you.

Heart health is a big issue that many people struggle with and the medical community, with the help of technological advancements, is making it possible to live a healthy life after a heart attack or stroke.

Often, individuals who’ve never thought about life insurance, take another look at it’s benefits after they’ve had a health scare such as this.

Life Insurance Options With a History of Stent Surgery

A major concern with life insurance companies and individuals with a stent is unpredictability. Some people have their surgery and carry on to live healthy, active lives because they start to take better care of themselves. However, others continue with their lifestyle and habits that caused them to have the stent surgery to begin with.

Thus, if you’ve had stent surgery, the first thing you should do is follow your doctor’s orders, and improve your lifestyle and habits.

When Life Insurance is Not an Option After Stent Surgery

You won’t qualify for traditional life insurance if you apply within six months of having your surgery. The insurance company underwriters want to see how you’re going to manage it – such as making lifestyle changes or engaging in unhealthy behavior.

As well, the first six months are the riskiest as complications or other issues from the surgery may arise. However, it’s important to note that a guaranteed issue no medical insurance policy is an option; and you should speak with a life insurance broker about this if you are uninsured.

While a guaranteed issue policy costs more than a traditional one, the benefits of having some insurance greatly outweigh the cons of having none. With no insurance, if you pass away, you family faces a huge financial burden. Not just from losing your income, but also because of your funeral costs.

Guaranteed issue insurance can remove this added stress from your family. Speak to a professional insurance broker today to learn more about this option.

What Life Insurance Underwriters Look at Regarding a History of Stent Surgery

To assess individuals and determine health ratings for this condition, underwriters need to know the following:

  • Amount of stents you have
  • The date of your stent surgery
  • Whether you had a stroke or heart attack
  • Prior and current stress test results
  • Your ejection fraction levels – the measurement of the percentage of blood leaving your heart each time it contracts
  • Lifestyle changes you’ve made such as getting more exercise or changing your diet to include healthier choices

To find out your best coverage options from a high-risk life insurance expert, make sure you give them as much information as you can about your condition.

At Maple Bay Financial Corp., we help you research your life insurance options if you have a history of stent surgery. We know which carriers offer coverage for your situation and who has the best rates. We make life insurance easy and convenient; in fact, you don’t even have to leaver your home to get a customized policy.

Working over the phone, online, using shared screens, texting – whichever method is convenient for you – our licensed brokers find your perfect policy within our access to hundreds of unique insurance products.

To learn more, please call toll free to 1.888.498.5288.



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